What is the guarantee for MotoJean products?
Motojean offers a 1 year guarantee (from date of purchase) as standard to the original purchaser.
This guarantee covers against defects in components, materials and finish. You will not be covered in the event of general wear and tear, improper care/usage or accident damage.
If you have a claim, this should be processed through the store in which the item was initially purchased.
How do I contact MotoJean?
If you would like to get in touch please use the ‘Contact Us’ form located at the bottom of the ‘About Us’ page. We will do our best to respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.
How do I wash my jeans?
To wash your jeans, turn the product inside out and remove the pre-installed armour.
Once installed armour has been removed, wash the product at 30 degrees, normal cycle and standard detergent.
After washing is complete leave the product to hang dry. WARNING! avoid tumble drying as this can shrink the product. Product that has been found to have been tumble dried and therefore shrunk will be void of warranty as this is deemed user error.